This is my first post and I am going to write about the Japanese water studies made by Dr. Masaru Emoto. He conducted studies that scientifically showed that human consciousness can affect the molecular structure of water. Water is sensitive to thoughts, words, and emotions, and that these influences can change its physical appearance when frozen. Crazy, huh? No - keep on reading.
In a 2006 study, a group of researchers, including the Japanese water scientist Dr. Masaru, tested the hypothesis: water, when treated “with certain intention” can affect the ice crystals formed. The study was carried out under double-blind conditions. They took a sample of approximately 2,000 people in Tokyo who were instructed to make positive intentions toward water samples inside an electromagnetically shielded room. Similar water samples were also kept in different locations as a control. Ice crystals were formed from both sets of water and then photographed. Later this similar study has been conducted in different parts of the world at the same time with same results.
The key findings of Dr. Masaru Emoto´s research
Impact of Words, Thoughts, and Emotions: Emoto conducted experiments in which he exposed water to different stimuli—such as spoken words, music, or images. He then froze the water and photographed the resulting ice crystals. His studied showed that positive words and emotions, like "love" or "gratitude," created beautiful, well-formed crystals, while negative emotions, such as "hate" or "anger," led to distorted or malformed crystals.
Water Crystals and Music: Emoto also exposed water to different kinds of music. He noticed that classical music like Beethoven’s symphonies produced aesthetically pleasing, symmetrical crystals, while heavy metal music or negative speech created ugly, disordered ones.
Rice Experiment: Emoto extended his research beyond water to rice in jars. He conducted an experiment where he labeled jars of rice with different messages (e.g., "thank you," "you fool," and ignored a jar). Over time, the rice labeled with positive words stayed fresher, while the jar labeled with negative words rotted quickly.
Why are these studies fascinating? Because water is involved in virtually every function of the human body and our bodies consist of 70% water. Approximately the same amount of water (70%) is covering Earth. And the same amount is also in plants. So water studies are not just studying water, they are studying us and life on Earth.
Also these studies bring forth the thought that Water has memory
What did Dr. Emoto manage to scientifically prove?
Dr. Emoto was able to prove that our thoughts, attitudes, emotions, and intentions could physically change the molecular structure of water. For instance, when you say the word “Hope” to water and prepare the frozen crystals from this water, you will observe the creation of beautiful symmetry in the crystals.
The experiments also proved that water has ability to retain the memory of everything it comes across. Positive words/good thoughts can bring positive changes to water.
A conclusion could be made that drinking water with positive emotions such as love can have a positive effect on human health. Similarly, when you expose water to negative feelings such as hate, consuming it can be potentially harmful to your body.
There was a significance difference also among the water samples. The crystals formed from natural spring water were found more symmetrical, well-balanced, and attractive than the crystals formed from tap water or polluted water.
When we start to open up our thoughts to the realization that water is sensitive to our thoughts, words, and feelings and and that the water reacts to sound - then we start to perhaps pay more attention on how we think and speak about ourselves and others. Thoughts affect our cell memory.
Also the water in our bodies vibrate to different sounds and frequencies. Sound healing is an old traditional healing method, which once upon a time was a very common practice. Sound can get deep into the cells and also affect our nervous system. A worrying thought is how Wi-Fi, mobile phones and 5G towers are affecting us.
"Water records information, and while circulating throughout the earth distributes information. This water sent from the universe is full of the information of life.” (Dr Masaru Emoto)